BANK TRANSFER – Please find opposite a copy of our bank details which can be used to make a wire payment. Your bank will be able to assist you with this process if you are unfamiliar with processing foreign payments by this method. Please include your surname in the reference if processing by bank transfer
WISE – A number of our clients are now using the online service Wise to process their payments. Banks and other providers can in certain circumstances charge you up to 5% in hidden costs when sending money abroad. Wise is now recognized as being one of the cheapest forms of processing international payments. CLICK HERE to make your payment using this method
CREDIT CARD – There is an option to process your deposit by credit card but there would be a 2.8% fee applied. Should this be your preferred method of payment, please let us know and we will send over a secure online invoice that will enable you to process the payment with your card
Please make sure all payments are processed in GBP British pounds. For current exchange rates, please CLICK HERE
If you have any questions or require assistance with processing your deposit, please feel free to get in touch. All payments are non-refundable or transferrable so we strongly advise that you take out suitable travel insurance. A copy of our full terms and conditions can be found HERE